How Is The PTA Funded?
Our PTA is funded by the participation and generous donations of our parents and school community. Our revenue comes from a variety of sources, but principally from membership dues and our Hassle-Free Donation campaign each fall. We also make small profits from other sources throughout the year such as the following:
- Box Tops for Education
- Labels for Education
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Spirit Wear sales
- School Supply Kits
- Yearbook sales
- Concession sales at Family Events
Thank you for your support for our fundraising efforts and the services we provide for our school!
Where Do PTA Funds Go?
As an organization we proudly:
- Provide school-wide general assemblies, grade assemblies, and special programs for each grade to enhance the curriculum
- Provide the Friday folders, birthday pencils and the School’s Directory and Handbook.
- Provide all staff a disbursement amount for additional supplies needed for their classroom or curriculum
- Provide funds for Related Arts, concerts, school wide incentives including Reflections and the PBIS Pawsitive program and special days including STEM night, Science Fair, the 5th grade Simulated Congressional Hearing, Field Day and First Grade Showcase
- Provide meals for staff at back to school meetings and conference dinners.
- Organize activities for Teacher Appreciation Week
Provide entertainment and special food at Family Enrichment events including our back to school and end of the year picnics, winter social and bingo night - Purchase books and other materials for the Media Center and classrooms through the Scholastic Book Fair
- Provide a Halloween party, Valentine’s Day party and end of the year picnic activities for each grade
- Support other school enrichment programs as identified by the school
Overview & Approved 2022-2023 Operating Budget