- Join the PTA as a General Member. An online form will be sent home in September for our membership drive or you can complete directly from our Join the PTA tab. 100% participation from our parents and teachers makes the greatest difference. The money we raise from the membership dues goes directly into the PTA budget.
- Volunteer for Events. We are always looking for volunteers to actively participate on committees and to help out at PTA-sponsored events. Interested in joining? Contact wavespta@gmail.com. Keep an eye on your email for sign-up forms to volunteer to help at individual PTA events.
- Participate in the PTA fundraisers and other ways to earn money for Waverly. Rather than fundraise every year, the PTA hosts a big fundraiser every other year. On non-fundraising years we will be relying on Hassle-Free Donations to support the programs and events we will host. Those events include assemblies, cultural arts programs, an author visit, related arts support, teacher support, school-wide incentives and so much more. 100% off your hassle-free donation goes directly to our budget.
- Attend Activities. We have lots of fun activities planned for our students and families to enjoy.
- Volunteer to be on the Board of Directors. We will start recruiting for our Executive Board and Committees in March for the following school year. If you are interested in learning more now, please contact wavespta@gmail.com.
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